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Showing posts from October, 2018

Gurong Pilipino: Turo Mo, Kinabukasan Ko

In our country, Teacher’s day is one of the special days that we celebrate on 5th September for appreciating our teachers for their unconditional support and endless hard work they have done for making us a successful human being with good soul. This years theme is "Gurong Pilipino: Turo Mo,  Kinabukasan Ko Students of various schools and colleges of our country plan something exciting to make this day special for their respected teachers by organizing some interesting activities like games, different types of competitions of singing, dancing and acting. On this occasion, students offer flowers, greeting cards or some special gifts to their favourite teachers to show their affection and respect towards their favourite teachers. Teacher is a person whose determination and honesty can shape the destiny of nation and can never retire from his duty in order to provide basic education to new generation living in nearby areas. A teacher plays an important role in student’s and natio

Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements

Science month celeberation is held on the month of September. Every year there is a new theme, and the theme this year is "Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements.". Science month celebration aims to encourage the students to engage in activities that would help protect our environmen and widen our knowledge about science, Also this year's theme gave importance to the discovery of Michael Faraday which is electromagnetism Electromagnetism has important scientific and technological applications. It is used in many electrical appliances to generate desired magnetic fields. It is even used in a electric generator to produce magnetic fields for electromagnetic induction to occur. It has many more technological applications including MRI scanning and electric bells. This makes the discovery important because we can use it in many thing and this makes our life easier. We the new generations should give more respect and importance to this