Every month of July, Nutrition Month is celebrated. They implemented this event to tell us how important eating healthy food and exercising is. The theme of Nutrition Month 2018 is ''Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat Na Nutrisyon Aanihin'' Eating healthy and e xercise are two of the most important things you need to do to take care of your body properly. Both exercise, and eating healthy, have many advantages and benefits. They help with multiple things needed throughout your life. These things include growing physically, mentally, and if yo u are religious, spiritually as well. All of this adds up to your body functioning in the highest and best way possible. But I think we need to do more of these so we can attain a healthy life so lets start eating healthy but first we need to also train ourselves planting vegetables or fruits because this can make our life more easy so lets do this! Yes,being healthy is in our ha...
good x3